Membership Promotion

Jane Doe

Membership Promotion Chair

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Phone: 800-555-1234

Membership Promotion


Members are represented by consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, building owners, employees of manufacturing companies, educational institutions, research organizations, government, architects, students or anyone concerned with HVAC & R for the built environment.

What Member Type is Right for You?

ASHRAE has three grades of membership awarded to applicants based on their experience and participation in the industry.


Associate Member

Affiliate Member

Student Member

Member Grade is open to anyone who has a combination of education, professional licensure and work experience equivalent to twelve years in the HVAC&R industry. You will be asked to provide information regarding your education, work, and professional licensure when applying for Member Grade.

Dues: Society dues for Member Grade are $103 annually.

Qualifications: The equivalent of 12 Society-approved years of experience composed of an approved combination of:

  • Completed education beyond high school;
  • Work experience (including research, teaching, design, contracting, engineering sales, or engineering management); and

Professional engineering or related registration or license issued by a legally authorized body

Associate Grade membership is for those who have been in the industry for a few years and are focused on developing skills, and growing their network. Associate grade membership is open to anyone who has an interest in matters of design, operation, or maintenance in HVAC&R-related fields.

Dues: Society dues for Associate Grade are $103 annually.


  • Experience in technical matters or in design, operation, or maintenance in HVAC&R fields
  • Interest in the advancement of the Society’s aims, and sufficient qualifications to cooperate with HVAC & R engineers in the advancement of the knowledge relating to HVAC & R engineering and its application.

Affiliate grade is a low cost, introductory membership for those who are either: (1) under 30 years of age OR (2) who have been honorably discharged from the  Military within the past 5 years.

Dues: Society dues for this 3 year program are:

  • $27 (1st Year)
  • $40 (2nd Year)
  • $52 (3rd Year)


  • Interest in the advancement of the Society’s aims, and sufficient qualifications to cooperate with HVAC&R engineers in the advancement of the knowledge relating to HVAC&R engineering and its application.
  • For new members only.
  • Must be either: (1) under 30 years of age OR (2) honorably discharged from the Military within the past 5 years
  • Can only hold this grade for up to 3 cumulative years.

*Note: Affiliate Members do not receive a free annual edition of the ASHRAE Handbook*

Student membership is designed for engineering students who may be considering a career in HVAC&R. Student members are given the opportunity to transfer to Associate grade membership after graduation using the SmartStart program.

Dues: Society dues are $11 annually


  • Must be studying or have an interest in an HVAC&R industry-related field.
  • Matriculated in an approved course of study in the arts and sciences covered by the Society’s objectives.

Membership Application for Developing Economies – Download Form

Ashrae Member Benefits Matrix Download

Ashrae BrochureDownload

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time


What’s “cool” in ASHRAE

  • ASHRAE promotes energy efficiency, savings and recovery
  • ASHRAE reports on building controls, automation and integration
  • ASHRAE focuses on green building issues and green technology
  • ASHRAE maintains standards for indoor air quality
  • ASHRAE promotes solar and other alternative energy sources
  • ASHRAE offers certification programs, online learning opportunities and courses and seminars at ASHRAE Conferences

How can ASHRAE help you?

  • Provide access to new technology
  • Offer professional development opportunities
  • Create opportunities for networking
  • Offer online continuing education programs and eLearning programs


Student Member Benefits

  • Access to members – only web pages
  • Discounts on ASHRAE Handbooks
  • Monthly ASHRAE Journal – print and digital
  • HVAC&R Industry and Society Connections e-newsletters
  • Discounted ASHRAE Annual and Winter Conference registration (AHR Expo, Student Program, Technical Sessions)
  • Virtual online HVAC&R resume posting, job and internship searching program

ASHRAE Student Member Opportunities

  • Society and chapter-level scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate engineering students
  • Discounts for student members on select publications, go to for more information
  • Student Design Competition
  • Networking with local ASHRAE Chapters
  • Senior Undergraduate Project Grant Program
  • At the student branch level, you’ll enjoy meeting other students with similar interest – if your school hasn’t yet started a student branch, take charge and contact a faculty member and ask for help on getting started!

You can continue your student membership after college with the ASHRAE Smart Start Program. After you graduate, you pay $21 for the first year, $51 for the second and the third years before advancing to regular member dues! Membership Application for Student – Download Form Ashrae Member Benefits Matrix Download Ashrae BrochureDownload

This website is maintained by the Pune Chapter of ASHRAE. ASHRAE Chapter do not represent the official positions of ASHRAE Society not reflect ASHRAE Society’s policy. To learn more about the ASHRAE activities on a Society level,

Please visit the ASHRAE home page